
This page is lists of my ARTWORKS that are currently available for selling. Please feel free to contact me for pricelist inquiries and to purchase the artworks you are interested in.

小作品7点が滋賀県にあるNina Hansonさんの期間限定でオープンした素敵なスペース the CWTCH にて展示•販売しています。普段大きめの作品制作が多い中で、今回の委託依頼では完全な個人制作とも依頼制作ともちょっと違った気持ちで、冬から春に向かって行く中で生まれました。自分の中でまた面白い発見や気づき、感覚などもありました。こんな素敵な機会を本当に有難く思います。


My small artworks are available in the online shop @the__cwtch__ for December only.If you are interested in, please take this opportunity to check it out :)

(1) “Hazy Dream”-おぼろげな夢

Acrylic,pencil and pastel on canvas.30x40cm

(2) Drape a Sun-太陽を纏う

Acrylic,pencil and pastel on Canvas.29x39cm(with frame:50x70cm)

(4) Quiet breathing-静かな呼吸

Acrylic and pencil on Canvas.40x60cm.

(5) Shadow is light-影は光

Acrylic and pencil on paper.11x16cm(with flame:30x40cm)

(9) All beings- 生きとし生けるもの
120cm x150cm.Acrylic, pencil and charcoal on canvas.2022
This series has 4 parts in total.

When I started this painting, it was a waterfall of light, brightly coloured of yellows. But then, after many layers of charcoal, pencil and acrylic, it took on a life force and duality that I felt strongly deep inside. The many yellow lights that were born in the beginning are still inner of the painting. Everything is connected.


(10) All beings- 生きとし生けるもの 02

80cm x60cm.Acrylic, pencil and charcoal on canvas.2022
This series has 4 parts in total.

 (11) All beings- 生きとし生けるもの 03
80cm x60cm.Acrylic, pencil and charcoal on canvas.2022
This series has 4 parts in total.

First Art book ACHT

Contents of the book/my artworks,drawing collage and keywords,also dreams witch is impressive stories for me.
(22 pages,A5) 10 books left.

(14) The shadow of the living light-生ける光の影
Acrylic and pastel on Canvas/2m10x3m50

Something that is in-between.
Something between light and shadow, conscious and unconscious...

(15) Midpoint - 中間点
‎‏Acrylic,pencil and pastel on Canvas

(16) The fountain of Spring ″-突き上げる春の生命力

Acrylic,pencil and pastel on canvas. 90x150cm

It's the season that brings forth all bottom existence to the top.
With natural energy so strong and bright.
A nature's power born from spring.
This series has three parts in total.😊🌿🌿🌿

(17) Particle of light-光の粒

10x15cm.Acrylic,pencil and pastel on Canvas.
This series has 4 parts in total 🌙🌿
溢れ出る春の生命力を感じて生まれた作品「The fountain of Spring 」から、更にそれだけでおさまらなくてそこを大きな軸にして大・中・小・極小の4作品になったうちの1番小さな作品。

(18) 光の痕跡-Traces of light
40x50cm.Acrylic,pencil and pastel on Canvas.

(19) Dreamland-夢境
Charcoal,pastel and pencil on paper/105x150cm
The world was born from my dream.🌙

(20) Dual nature -二面性
Acrylic, pencil and charcoal on Canvas.60cm x 40cm

Unusually for me, red colors painting was born. I just felt like it.

(006) Life forms 🌙💫

9.5cm x 6cm (Only the small one on the left side)

(007) 白昼夢-Daydream
18cm x 12cm